Higher Quality

Fixing Medicare

There is no way to wrestle down the deficit without reining in Medicare costs. Ensuring that the program provides quality health care coverage to millions of older and disabled Americans is essential. These goals are not incompatible, but they require a judicious approach to policy making that is depressingly absent in Washington. Medicare is nothing […]

GOP candidates urge “Market Forces” for Healthcare. What do you think?

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Coffee Makes Me a Better Parent

Coffee Makes Me a Better Parent

A growing list of health benefits, and it makes me nicer? Coffee gets me back in its gaze. By Abi Cotler O’Roarty he other morning we ran out of coffee and didn’t realize it until late at night. No, I wasn’t gearing up for an all-nighter—unless you count one child calling for water at 1 […]

Parker Memory Health Fair lets seniors test memory, learn activities

A Memory Health Fair conducted at Parker Adult Day Center in Highland Park last weekend included a variety of activities, including a cooking demonstration. / Photo courtesy Parker HIGHLAND PARK— Rosemary Krawczyk sometimes goes into the kitchen, then forgets what she was looking for. Was it a cup? A fork? “That happens once in a […]

Free Market Solution to Public Hospital Crisis in NYC?

By Wesley J. Smith This is an interesting how-do-you-do.  A crisis in the emergency care for the poor may be heading for a free market solution.  From the NYT story: Only a few private hospitals have survived in neighborhoods like Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brownsville and Bushwick to serve poor patients like them. Now all are in such […]