Tag Archive | Health

People make the costs of health care rise

I agree that health care costs are unsustainable, but what the public may have forgotten is that hospitals have to be open 24/7, 365 days a year. Hospitals need to be ready to take care of anything from a cut finger to major surgery. That takes a lot of money. Do you want to work […]

Parker Memory Health Fair lets seniors test memory, learn activities

A Memory Health Fair conducted at Parker Adult Day Center in Highland Park last weekend included a variety of activities, including a cooking demonstration. / Photo courtesy Parker HIGHLAND PARK— Rosemary Krawczyk sometimes goes into the kitchen, then forgets what she was looking for. Was it a cup? A fork? “That happens once in a […]

How To Help Your Senior Who Has Memory Loss

It is important that adult children know that memory loss is a sign of old age. By the time a person is in their late seventies, they will have lost approximately 10 percent of their brain cells. This means that a senior’s vocabulary may shrink. Their verbal, math and spatial skills may also decline. If […]